Adroit: Skillful and adept under pressing conditions. Hostage negotiators must be adroit at their job.
Amicable: Characterized by or showing friendliness; friendly. Adults are amicable to small children.
Averse: Having a feeling of great distaste or aversion. Hitler was averse towards the Jews.
Belligerent: Inclined or eager to fight, hostile or aggressive. People in UFC are belligerent.
Benevolent: Characterized by or suggestive of benevolence; kindly. The man was benevolent to his brother.
Cursory: Hastily and superficially done; Not throughout. Must assignments are in the work of cursory.
Duplicity: Deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech; double dealing. Russia is know for doing duplicity dealing.
Extol: To praise highly; laud; eulogize. The people extol the famous.
Feasible: Capable of being done, effected, or accomplished. A back flip is feasible task though a difficult one.
Grimace: A facial expression, often ugly or contorted, that indicates disapproval, pain. The man had a grimace face while looking at the trouble maker.
Holocaust: A great or complete devastation or destruction, especially by fire. There was so much death is was like a second holocaust.
Impervious: Not permitting penetration or passage; impenetrable, incapable of being injured or impaired. The titanic was thought to be a impervious structure.
Impetus: A moving force; impulse; stimulus. The president speech was impetus.
Jeopardy: Hazard or risk of or exposure to loss, harm, death, or injury. The dream home was in jeopardy.
Meticulous: Taking or showing extreme care about minute details;precise; thorough. The art of composing can be meticulous.
Nostalgia: A wistful desire to return in thought or in fact to a formertime in one's life, to one's home or homeland, or to one's family and friends; a sentimental yearning for the happiness of a former place or time. Soldiers in Irag are always nostalgia.
Quintessence: The pure and concentrated essence of a Substance. People want to know what is the quintessence of chocolate is.
retrogress: To go backward into an earlier and usually worse condition: I had a cold but it retrogress into the flu.
scrutinize: To examine in detail with careful or critical attention. The critic scrutinize the chef recipe.
tepid: Moderately warm; Lukewarm. The gulf of Mexico is tepid.
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