Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Ray wrote this after being stop just walking at night. This made him ponder what is normal and what is not. Fahrenheit 451 is about when a society loses its individualism.

Vocab #1

Pantomime: The art or technique of conveying emotions, actions, feelings,etc., by gestures without  speech. A play or entertainment in which the performers express themselves mutely by gestures, often to the accompaniment of music.

Proclivities: Natural or habitual inclination or tendency; propensity; predisposition.

Centrifuge: An apparatus that rotates at high speed and by centrifugal force separates substances of different densities, as milk and cream. 

Odious: Deserving or causing hatred; hateful; detestable highly offensive; repugnant; disgusting.

Jargon: Intelligible or meaningless talk or writing; gibberish.

Ravenous: Extremely hungry; famished; voracious.

Pallor: Unusual or extreme paleness, as from fear, ill health, or death;wanness.

Stagnant: Characterized by lack of development, advancement, or progressive movement.

Flourish: to be in a vigorous state; thrive.

Plateau: A land area having a relatively level surface considerably raised above adjoining land on at least one side, and often cut by deep canyons.

Rollick: to move or act in a carefree, frolicsome manner; behave in a free,hearty, gay, or jovial way. 

Asylum: An institution for the maintenance and care of the mentally ill, orphans, or other persons requiring specialized assistance.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


I am a Fireman
To ask where I stand
Is to ask why air comes from a fan
You may get an scientific explanation
But to ask may be to much temptation
I am a Fireman
I follow the orders of my chief
To ask where I stand
All you have to do is stare at the ash on my cheek
Fire, Kerosene
The tools of my trade
Destruction, Disbelief
The aftermath after the fires fade
Some say the pen is mightier than the sword
But my python is ready to strike
actions speak louder than words
As I make it day from night
I am a Fireman
I turn books into ashes
Then I burn the ashes in flashes
of light and heat
My job causes others to flee
The very odd site of me
For I might be
Visiting their very home
Am I happy?
A girl once ask
Am I happy?
She kept talking about the past
How we use to put out fires
Instead of burning books with lighters
As if she could see past my mask
Am I happy?
I have a wife do I?
I enjoy what I do
But for some reason tonight
My happiness ran out of fuel
Am I happy?
I am a Fireman
Am I happy?
I am a Fireman
Am I happy?
I am a Fireman
The smell of kerosene defines who I am
But this one girl
Turn everything I knew about this world
Upside down and meaningless as the books I burn
But am I happy?
I am a Fireman
Am I happy?
I am a Fireman
Burning books is imprinted in my nature
As the same as the words imprinted on a page
Books are for burning
Eyes are for watching parlor walls
But in the end, one must fall

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


I'm a poet and I know it.
I can make it flow like a boat in row.
I have the drive to take it high.
As high as the sky, that could fly
away from me, far enough to be free.
So the words of wisdom can enter young ears,
whispering in their ears at all times,
trying to define its meaning and purpose.
Like a diver returning to the surface,
Filling his lungs with clean air.
As for the purpose, do you dare
question why fights draws stares
Think, and process this,
to define a poem, is it no different than a riddle?
Analyzing every word and you'll be lost
Defeat may come across in thought.
Here's a hint...
There's none but words put together in fun
But then it's ironic
A poem with no meaning who's meaning is that it doesn't have a meaning
Nonsense, idiotic
Thoughts that comes to your mind which is now spinning
That can't be the meaning!
This is the worst poem I have read!
Then ask yourself....
Why continue to read this if the mystery has been solved?
Why continue to deprive your mind of reason?
To read a poem with no meaning but to have a theme that
everything doesn't need meaning which by meaning counts
as a meaning...
It's its own paradox

Thursday, January 17, 2013


I learned that how book burning's could shape america, how bad its influence could shape our lives.
How he wasn't far off on technology would lure us away from books.
How we interpret the book as censorship, the author wrote it about the effects of television on literature.
How if we didn't have laws to keep others from obtaining to much power, our lives would be similar to the ones in the book. Just look at the soviet union and how they lived, a world filled with censorship.
I learned how a thing as a book could be miss so dearly.

Evaluation of 3 years

I rarely take the time to look back on life but today, I had an hour to sit on the bench in front of the tennis courts and just listen to music and remember my first day of practice as an incoming freshman. A warm day of summer as it was into the first week. Wow it feels like just yesterday, being drop off in front of those stairs that leads to the stadium. long hair, shorts and my white O.Y.F.L. training camp shirt with last name on the back. We ran, and drilled that first day and I remember the soreness I felt all week. Then in a blink of an eye, I am back at the bench, older. How I miss those practices, running and sweating next to two friends I knew since fourth grade. They stop playing after freshmen year leaving me, the only one out of the three still playing. I come back from the flashback and look to the grass next to the weight room. I go back to last year where I had became weaker than I had been in two years, struggling to at least try to keep up with my fellow linemen. We were got done doing a plate workout when my coach ask us if we wanted to go on playing football and ask us to raise our hand if we did. I knew no college wanted someone like me so my hand stayed down. My coach who knew I was one of the hardest working players in the linemen group was surprise. He said they are divisions who are perfect for guys my sizes and it didn't matter if I wasn't the biggest, but to just keep having the heart I have for the game. That inspired me but it didn't made me stronger. Again I come back the present to realize I won't have that coach again this year. I feel like I have spent years letting me and others down. I had hopes on where I be today but I would never expected I would turn out like I had. Now like the final grains of a hourglass, time is running out for me. The world is opening up and I fear I am not ready. My biggest regret is that I didn't work as hard I am now all my years here. Life is short, but high school is a flash. My time spent on that field, day after day. I will always remeber, and cherish those times I had with the best line coaches I ever will have. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


I believe I might be either stereotype against or been labeled on a bad day. I feel I am not what most teachers think I am. They might think I'm lazy or just not a hard worker. But i fact I am just like a roller coaster, there ups and downs and sometimes might be under repair.

I can since when I go into a quest for knowledge I will remain probably unnoticed since I go quiet often when I ponder a thought or question. I am a very quiet person in a classroom.

I feel compelled to keep my thoughts private for I may have the meaning of the conversation right but I lack the commutative or the ability to have others understand my words to contribute to the conversation.

Sunday, January 13, 2013


My plan for achieving my goals are at first thought simple. Working harder than I had ever have before, do not take anything lightly. But even these can be hard to reach. The desire to laze and blow off work is always consent and have to literally tell myself many times to keep working and even that isn't enough sometimes. I want to to achieve so I no longer can be mistaken as someone who seems to not care about his school work, his attitude, or his future.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Spring Post #1:Music as literature

Literature are writings in which expression and form, in connection with ideas of permanent and universal interest, are characteristic or essential features, as poetry, novels, history, biography, and essays. "Taken from dictionary.reference.com"

That is one of many definitions of literature. Music is a way of self expression. So in sense, music and literature are one. A poem can express ones love in rhyme or not, Rap can express the same emotion with the sway of a beating drum. An opera combines both a work of writing and a symphony. They both can tug at a listener or reader with emotions of sorrow or triumph.