Monday, March 4, 2013


Chronic: Of long duration; continuing. Prolonged; lingering.

Sentiment:A general cast of mind regarding something. A specific view.

Morality: The quality of being in accord with standards of rights or good conduct.

Remorse: Moral anguish arising from repentance for past misdeeds; bitter regret.

Defect: The lack of something necessary or desirable for completion or perfection; deficiency.

Acquaintance: Knowledge or internation about someone or something. Knowledge of a person acquired by a relationship less intimate than friendship.

Sanity: The  condition of being sane. Soundness of judgement or reason.

Implication: The act of implicating or the condition of being implicated. The act of implying or the condition of being implied.

Alternative: The choice between two mutually exclusive possibilities.

Savage: Not domesticated or cultivated; wild merciless; brutal. Lacking polish or manners. A primitive or uncivilized person.

Phenomenon: Extraordinary things or occurrences. Prodigies.

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